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Connecticut Hit & Run Accidents

Connecticut Hit and Run Accidents Are On The Rise

Connecticut hit and run accidents are on the rise. Every week we see multiple hit & run accidents.  Oftentimes, these car accidents involve stolen cars.  Well over the weekend we received yet another.  This one involving a 14 year old driver and several of his friends.

The client had many questions about what happens after a hit and run car crash.  Obviously, your situation and facts may differ, but we explained to him how things would work.

Who Is Going To Fix My Car?

My client’s vehicle did not have collision coverage.  Therefore, if his car is going to be repaired after the wreck, it would have to come from the offending vehicles insurance company.

However, it is believed that the vehicle was stolen.  If the vehicle was stolen, then the insurance company will NOT pay for any damages.

But wait!  There is still hope.  The idiots that stole your car, if captured, are still in play.  A court will likely order the thief to pay you restitution.  Unfortunately, that means you will have to front the cost of fixing your car, and get reimbursed later.

Who Is Going To Pay My Medical Bills?

Again, assuming that the vehicle is stolen, your insurance company may pay your medical bills.

How?  Two different ways.

  • Medical payments coverage; and/or
  • Uninsured Motorist Coverage


Medical Payments Coverage

In Connecticut, you may have an optional coverage called Medical payments.  In some states like Massachusetts and New York, there is a similar coverage called Personal Injury Protection (PIP).

Medical payments coverage will usually cover you and the occupants of your vehicle.  That means, if you buy $5,000.00 worth of medical payments, your trip to the ER and physical therapy might be paid in full.

Medical payments coverage (Medpay) is not required in Connecticut.  Many people choose not to purchase medpay to save a few dollars.  We strongly recommend that you pay the extra for it.   Why?  Because it is usually very inexpensive to add on.  Also, it can cover significant amounts of your medical  bills.


Uninsured Motorist Coverage

If you have uninsured motorist coverage, it will pay you for your injuries and pain & suffering.  So if you have been injured by a hit & run accident, you can still receive compensation.

Frequently we are faced with clients afraid to use their coverage.  Don’t be afraid to use your coverage; you spend your hard-earned money every month on it.


How Much Will My Insurance Pay?

Remember, your insurance policy is a contract.  So your insurance company will pay you up to the maximum you’ve contracted for. 

Currently in Connecticut, the minimum insurance coverage is $25,000.00 per person and $50,000.00 per occurrence. You might have higher limits.  We recommend you purchase no less than $100,000.00 per person and $300,000.00 per occurrence.

The Takeaway?

Connecticut hit and run accidents are becoming more and more common.  Being in a hit and run accident plain sucks.  However, if you have the right coverage, it can certainly make things much easier.

Dealing with insurance companies is usually a big pain.  Navigating coverage, law enforcement, and then being treated fairly is tough.

If you want to know your rights after being involved in a Connecticut hit and run accident, call or text.

Lawyer Twillie

Attorney Lawyer A. Twillie II is a father, son,husband and personal injury attorney. He is experienced in personal injury, toxic tort, credit repair, and much more. If you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to reach out.